Foam cleaners


Panamil ACID F

Кислотное пенное моющее средство Panamil ACID F

Foaming acidic detergent with excellent cleaning and disinfectant properties. It works effectively in hard water conditions.

Cleaning methods: manual, foam station and foam applicator.

Appearance: clear yellowish liquid without sediment.

Packaging: 20 l 30 l, 200 l, 1000 l


Water, inorganic acid mixture, detergents and functional additives.


The concentration of the working solution is 0.5 - 2.5%depending on the water hardness, the type and condition of the equipment contamination. Usage time is 5 - 15 minutes.

 0,5-2,5%5-15 2,0-4,0 



Panamil ALK F

Пенное щелочное моющее средство Panamil ALK F с хлором

Foamy alkaline detergent without chlorine. It works effectively in hard water conditions. Non-corrosive.

Cleaning methods: manual, foaming equipment, soaking.

Appearance: clear colorless liquid without sediment.

Packaging: 20 l 30 l, 200 l, 1000 l


Water, sodium hydroxide, detergents and functional additives.


The concentration of the working solution is 0,5 - 2,5 %. Usage time is 5 – 60 minutes.

 0,5-2,5%5-60 11-13 


Panamil ALK Super F

Пенное щелочное моющее средство Panamil ALK Super F с хлором

Foamy alkaline detergent without chlorine. It works effectively in hard water conditions. Non-corrosive. Great economy.

Cleaning methods: manual, foaming equipment, soaking.

Appearance: clear yellowish liquid without sediment.

Packaging: 20 l 30 l, 200 l, 1000 l


Water, sodium hydroxide, detergents and functional additives.


The concentration of the working solution is 0,5 - 2,5 %. Usage time is 5 – 60 minutes.

 0,5-2,5%5-60 11-13 


Panamil Termo F


Foaming alkaline detergent without chlorine. Removes soot, smoke stains and other extreme pollution. It is used for washing heat chambers, smoking ovens, floor cleaning machines and external surfaces.

Метод мойки: manual, automatic, immersion.

Внешний вид: clear brown liquid without sediment.

Объём: 20 l 30 l, 200 l, 1000 l


Water, sodium hydroxide, detergents and functional additives.


The concentration of the working solution is 0,3 - 5 % . Usage time is 5 – 60 minutes.

 0,3-5,0%5-60 11-13 


Panamil Termo F


PH neutral universal detergent for everyday washing of heavily soiled surfaces, dishes, containers etc. Suitable for cleaning metal, polymer, ceramic, glass and other surfaces from dust, oil, fresh grease stains, food scraps. Without chlorine.

Appearance: clear colorless liquid without sediment.

Packaging: 5 l, 10 l 20 l


Water, surfactants, functional additives.


The concentration of the working solution is:

- 0,1- 0,3 % with a low degree of contamination;

- 0,5- 0,7 % with medium degree of contamination.

In hard water, the concentration of the product can be increased. Application temperature is 15 - 60 °С. Usage time is 5 – 10 minutes.

 0,1-0,7%5-10 6,0-9,0