A new plant for the professional detergents and disinfectants manufacturing was opened in Minsk on June 2, 2020

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A new plant for the professional detergents and disinfectants manufacturing was opened in Minsk on June 2, 2020

The plant’s capacity is 6,000 tons per year, 237 items of end products in various packaging options.

We managed to build a unique vertically integrated model that allows us to concentrate all important processes of creation and subsequent mass production of products in the hands of one manufacturer: from developing a formula to manufacturing aт end product. Thus, we have ensured maximum control of the process with minimum implementation time and client costs for project management. The company is responsible for the consistently high quality of products and the preservation of the natural balance during its production.

The production workshops of Landgalia Expo are equipped with the latest modern equipment that meets European and international standards. Manufacturing processes are fully automated and a fully equipped technical control department monitors every stage of the production process. The  work organization in all areas is based on the best practices of domestic and foreign enterprises, as well as compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in the field of labor protection and industrial safety, quality, ecology, and confidential information.

Our laboratory is accredited for microbiological, physicochemical, control and analytical research.

The absolute priorities of the Landgalia Expo plant are the safe management of technological processes, the life and health of the plant workers, the consistently high quality of products, as well as strict observance of the current legislation, the conditions of our business partners and ethical standards.

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